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Enhanced Skyrim Factions Sse: How to Customize and Configure Your Faction Experience with SkyUI


I like the idea that you have to complete most of the factions radiant quests before you can begin the final stages of the main faction questline. Â This means a modder can just add a few extra radiant quests and make the main questline dependent on them and a majority of the vanilla radiant stuff as well and suddenly you have a much more fleshed out experience.

Enhanced Skyrim Factions Sse

I found myself in the same predicament and I decided to go on a hunt to find the best mods that change factions in subtle and complex ways, to make the game feel a bit different in my next playthrough.

These content mods for Skyrim can keep you playing for years. From the full-sized fan expansion Enderal to new cities and factions, there's so much you can add to the world of Skyrim. Get adventurin'.

Immersive Patrols creates a series of patrols for Skyrim's different factions: Stormcloak, Imperial, Thalmor, Dawnguard, Bandits, and so on. Occasionally these routes intersect, resulting in two opposed factions fighting to the death. Imperials and Stormcloaks regularly clash at designated warzones, with the survivors either reinforcing or taking control of the nearest fort. It adds a tremendous amount of life to Skyrim's conflict, and generates far more of those emergent clashes we all love to watch.

DynDOLOD is a set of simple tools based on xEdit/xLODGen to automatically create a Skyrim mod based on the load order which adds distant LOD for objects and trees to Skyrim. By combining DynDOLOD with xLODGen users can create drastically enhanced static object LOD + tree LOD and the new, optional dynamic distant object LOD in a few simple steps.

The most important thing you have to do is to assign the right factions to your NPC or you won't be able to recruit him.You assign the factions to an NPC by dragging and dropping factions to the Factions and Ranks list of the Factions tab.

You can add other factions to your follower. For example, if you want him to be marriageable you can add the PotentialMarriageFaction or if you are going to place him in Markarth it is good to add some of the Markarth related factions to avoid him having problems with the locals ;)

After placing your NPC in the world you can always edit his statistics, outfit, factions, face, and so on. You won't need to place him in the world again: any changes you do to the NPC charactersistics will be automatically replicated to the NPC copy you placed in the world.

Hey everyone! Last week we briefed you on the development progress of Battle for Tamriel v1.0, and now it's time to talk about the progress of patch 2.0.3 for The Elder Scrolls: Total War. In this version, we decided to pause the introduction of new features and factions into the mod and focus on fixing what has already been done. Therefore, first of all, we will talk about the most important changes in this version - the rebalancing of unit recruitment and the economy on campaign map.

The Empire, Kingdom of Skyrim, Aldmeri Dominion, Stormcloaks, Clans of Black Marsh, and Kingdom of Anequina have undergone the biggest economic changes among factions. The Altmer, Argonians, and Skyrim have mostly slowed down, while the Stormcloaks, Anequina and the Empire have improved at rates of growth, although the results in the campaigns of the Third and Fourth Eras may differ, for example, in the Dominion and the Empire. In many settlements, the starting set of buildings has been changed.

We also rebalanced the cost of units. We have long understood for ourselves that campaigns in the mod suffer from a too fast pace of large armies spawning from the AI and the player, so we decided to play a little with the speed and cost of recruiting units. In general, after the changes we made, the cost of hiring and maintaining most units has increased by about 20%, and mercenaries have become more expensive than standard units by at least 15%. The units of the Fighters Guild and the Blackwood Company will now be extremely unprofitable to maintain in large numbers, at least at first turns, when the faction's economy is still weak. Taking into account the rebalancing of the economy in most factions, this innovation is intended to somewhat slow down the pace of the game and prevent a large number of full armies from appearing in the first twenty to thirty turns.

Artifacts unlocked by the Clan Volkihar epilogue:-Dawnguard Rune weapons-Dwemer Crossbow Schematics and the ability to craft exploding bolts and enhanced crossbows.-A number of undead-damaging spells that are exclusive to the Dawnguard merchants.

Combat & stealth, perks & spells, AI & animations, creatures & factions. Different overhauls and improvements - everything that affects your game variety and difficulty. There is one general Skyrim issue that (thank you Bethesda) wasn't changed at all from LE to SE. Skyrim script engine, Papyrus. It's static in terms of how many scripts it can handle, and this can not be expanded by any means (unlike the video memory limitations for Skyrim LE, for example), it can not be fixed or changed and it doesn't depend on 32bit or 64bit, our your PC specs - at all. Consider Papyrus a bottle which can handle only X amount of water. When it's X+1 or more - scripts are started being cluttered in your save file instead. This generally causes so called "script lag", save bloats, and, eventually, a broken game, and as mentioned before, the fact Skyrim SE is 64bit game doesn't give any benefits. So when it comes to gameplay mods (most of which have scripts in this or that amount), you need to be same careful in SE. Now, a quick manual of "how to see if my game can handle more script-heavy mods":

Improved and smartened vanilla creatures, hundreds of new creatures, lore-friendly and not (up to your taste), new bosses and various improvements to vanilla guilds and factions - you will find them here.

Vanilla Skyrim already features unique armor for most of the different factions. There are also mods like Guards Armor Replacer that add unique armor to the guards of the different holds based on the its prosperity, geographic location, weather, and the cultural influence of neighboring regions.

For example, the Imperial Legion wears black plate armor with Imperial Heraldic designs. The Stormcloaks don white plate armor with their own heraldry. On top of covering the big factions, this mod also addresses noble families (like Gray-mane and Battleborn) with their own heraldic tabards. 2ff7e9595c


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